"chess", "chess set", "chess sets", "chess pieces", "chess museum", "schaak", "Schach", "échec", "ajedrez"

Jaques No.24  (England)

England. It is very common to call the Jaques No.24 set a "Barleycorn", but that's not correct because there is no real barleycorn grain motive. However, there are some leaves. There is a kind of ropetwist decoration, that looks more as bicycle gears, on the barrel. But it is not a "ropetwist" set either. These sets come with some little variations of he pearl decoration: 1. on barrel only 2. on barrel and upper collar (as in this set) 3. on barrel, upper collar and disk above the ball in the stem.

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  • England, by Jaques, "No. 24"
  • Early to mid 19th century
  • Bone K 13.6; p 4.9