Netherlands. We don't know much of Dutch chess set makers in the 19th century either. In the description below you find a set which had been sold in Groningen, ca. 1850, but probably had been made in Germany (Nuremberg or Augsburg). Same is true for the Nuremberg set I got from my neighbour. Sets of those types are found regularly in the Netherlands, which can not be said of the first set listed here.
This set is sometimes called a "Pedestal" set. The date 1832 and origin Netherlands has been addressed to those sets. However I'm not sure. Looking at the knights, it seems of later date and we see these knights also on German sets. I think it is a very attractive set. Quite rare as well. It is one of my favourites.
- Netherlands
- 1832
- Bone K 7.0; p 3.1
Netherlands. This set has been sold in the Netherlands by A.Kampen. Abel Kampen (1836-1871) did most likely start the shop “GALANTERIEN&KINDERSPEELGOED A.KAMPEN Heerenstraat Groningen”. He was married in 1864 with Jantje Johanna de Young (1840-?), who in 1875 married with his half brother Marcus (1845-1917). Marcus had taken the shop as well and ran it until about 1895 on the Heerenstraat. I got this history from the grand-?-grandson of Marcus. Of course A.Kampen was a retailer and I assume that the set was actually made in Germany (Nuremberg). According Strouhal a “Selenus” type, but "Nuremberg" is used too, because the type appears on a Nuremberg pattern sheet of 1840/1850. This type is, in the English world, sometimes called "Spindle" set. More of these sets can be found on the “Selenus” (Germany) page.

ca. 1850
Bone K 8.6; p 3.0
Box labeled 11.8×8.4×6.0

ca. 1850
Bone K 8.6; p 3.0
Box labeled 11.8×8.4×6.0
- Netherlands, retailer A.Kampen in Groningen, "Selenus" or "Nuremberg" (Eng: "spindle")
- ca. 1850
- Bone K 8.6; p 3.0
- Box labeled 11.8×8.4×6.0
Netherlands. This "Nuremberg" set is a gift of my neighbour. The set was in his family for a long time. These sets were in use, and probably also sold, in the Netherlands, but most likely they were made in Germany, Nuremberg. My father in law did have a similar set, which was also a long time in the family. More of these sets can be found on the “Nuremberg” (Germany) page.
- Netherlands or Germany, "Nuremberg"
- Mid to late 19th century
- Bone K 7.3; p 2.5