France. This is a so called "Dieppe" set. This time with a Napoleon and Mamluk theme, although the white King is not Napoleon. But the pawns are.
[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id="470" gal_title="242"]
- France, "Dieppe"
- Early 19th century
- Bone K 7.3+7.0; p 5.5
France. These sets are modern pewter/lead sets of some popular themes. All made by Pixi Paris.
[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id="471" gal_title="048"]
- France, by Pixi Paris, "Collection Astérix, 1er édition"
- 1991
- Pewter K1 6.0; p1 4.1; K2 8.1; p2 4.5
- Box 45.0×42.5×9.3
- Board 39.8×39.7
[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id="472" gal_title="324"]
- France, by Pixi Paris, "Collection Pixi-Mini, Astérix" (No. 499)
- ca. 1996
- Pewter Kw 3.1; pw 1.6; Kz 3.8; pz 1.3
- Box 21.1×21.3×4.0
- Board 19.9×19.9
[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id="473" gal_title="049"]
- France, by Pixi Paris, "Collection Pixi-Mini, Lucky Luke"
- 1997
- Pewter K1 4.1; p1 1.8; K2 3.5; p2 1.3
- Box 21.1×21.1×4.0
- Board 19.9×19.9