Egypt A very nice bone, brass and mother of pearl inlaid chess board, which is very decorative and less suitable for playing. The latter, and the fact that there is no African page for playing sets yet, is the reason I have put it in the "to look at" category.
[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id="3200" gal_title="635"]
- Egypt
- Mid 20th century
- Wood, bone, brass and mother of pearl 40.0×40.0×1.7
Egypt A very large and better than average carved bone set with motives typical for these type of sets. The 2nd set has similar motives, but is very crudely carved. These sets were made for the tourist market.
[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id="1427" gal_title="499"]
- Egypt
- Mid 20th century
- Bone K 13.0; p 8.7
[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id="514" gal_title="455"]
- Egypt, Cairo
- 1981
- Bone K 6.1; p 4.8