"chess", "chess set", "chess sets", "chess pieces", "chess museum", "schaak", "Schach", "échec", "ajedrez"

Unknown  (Europe)

Austria   Belgium   Czechia   Denmark   England   France   Georgia/Russia   Germany   Greece   Hungary   Italy   Malta   Netherlands   Poland   Russia   Scotland   Spain   Switzerland   Turkey   Ukraine   Unknown

Some decorative and figural sets of unknown origin. All are thought to be European.

A Green Lifestyle is a sustainable way of living. On internet you will find groups of people, magazines and shops with that name. But I could not relate this chess set to any of them. I'm unsure about date as well, but the modern green movement emerged in the 1960's and 1970's and that's consistent with 1960's-1980's period that the collection of chess sets, where this set comes from, was build.

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  • unknown origin, "The Green Lifestyle"
  • 1960's-1980's
  • Ceramic K 3.3; p 2.8
  • Board 17.2×17.×x0.8

This set is made of a hard kind of ceramic, but not porcelain. Each piece has the makers logo (I think it is), as shown in picture, but I couldn't figure out who it is.
If you know, then please let me know...

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  • unknown origin
  • Late 20th century
  • Ceramic K 9.2; p 3.5

Theme is the Russo-Turkish war of 1877-1878 with at Russian side tsar Alexander II and at Turkish side sultan Abdul Hamid II. This set is quite well painted. Never seen such detailed work in such a set. However, within a month I did see another same set! Auctioneer said "European production from the 1980's".

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  • unknown origin
  • 1980
  • Lead K 6.5; p 6.5