"chess", "chess set", "chess sets", "chess pieces", "chess museum", "schaak", "Schach", "échec", "ajedrez"

Spain  (Europe)

Austria   Belgium   Czechia   Denmark   England   France   Georgia/Russia   Germany   Greece   Hungary   Italy   Malta   Netherlands   Poland   Russia   Scotland   Spain   Switzerland   Turkey   Ukraine   Unknown

Spain. The wooden set with Spanish motives was bought at Las Palmas in 1975. I can not say more about it.

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  • Spain, Las Palmas, Canary Islands
  • 1975
  • Wood K 11.0; p 8.8

Spain. This set is made of a material that looks like crushed stone or marble that has been bounded in some way. The surface feels rough.

[Best_Wordpress_Gallery id="1846" gal_title="511"]

  • Spain
  • 1980
  • Artificial stone K 5.0; p 4.0

Spain. This spooky resin chess set was bought in Barcelona in 2002. The label under the board says "Ajedrez Family Horror", but it is also known as "Halloween". The label has a "TACHI" logo (not found on internet), a postcode in Rubi near Barcelona and states "made in China". Possibly the set is designed by Paolo-Chiari, a home decoration company in Florence, Italy. On their site (www.paolochiari.net) it is listed as "Scacchi Vampiri vs Streghe" (Vampires vs Witches).

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  • Spain, Barcelona
  • 2002
  • Resin K 6.7; p 2.6
  • Board pp.pxqq.q