"chess", "chess set", "chess sets", "chess pieces", "chess museum", "schaak", "Schach", "échec", "ajedrez"

Ukraine  (Europe)

Austria   Belgium   Czechia   Denmark   England   France   Georgia/Russia   Germany   Greece   Hungary   Italy   Malta   Netherlands   Poland   Russia   Scotland   Spain   Switzerland   Turkey   Ukraine   Unknown

Ukraine. This plastic set is called "Хуторок" ("Khutorok") and has been made by Киевпластмасс (Kyivplastmass/Kiev plastics) in Ukraine about 1970 at USSR times. The set is based on the culture of the Ukrainian Cossacks, which appeared in the late fifteenth century and lasted until 1917. Note the Cossack clothes: wide trousers, knee-length beshmet, cloth top coat, cylindrical fur hat. I do not know the kind of plastic, maybe Carbolite?

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  • Ukraine, by Kyivplastmass, "Khutorok"
  • 1970
  • Plastic K 9.0; p 5.1
  • Box/Board 39.8×20.0×5.5