"chess", "chess set", "chess sets", "chess pieces", "chess museum", "schaak", "Schach", "échec", "ajedrez"

India ~ replicas  (Asia)

India ~ replicas. Some decades ago you could buy these replica sets from India for not too much money. Most of these sets are hard to get today and prices have gone up tremendously. These sets are very well made using good materials. Especially the wooden sets are made of first class wood. The bud rosewood is stunning! The classic patterns are all based on antique sets and not exactly Chinese copies. The "Old English" set is based on several examples, including my own "Old English" set. See Old English (England) page.

I have to say that  the "Pepys" set is actually more a decorative set and less meant for play.

  • India, "Muslim" or "Hindu" replica
  • Late 20th century
  • Bone K 8.3; p 3.0
  • India, "Pepys" replica
  • 2005
  • Bone K 18.2; p 9.4
  • India, 18th century "Old English" replica
  • 2009
  • Boxwood + rosewood K 10.6; p 5.6

  • India, "Grand Divan" replica
  • 2009
  • Boxwood + bud rosewood K 10.8; p 6.0
  • India, "Biedermeier coffeehouse" replica
  • 2010
  • Boxwood + ebony K 14.0; p 7.3