"chess", "chess set", "chess sets", "chess pieces", "chess museum", "schaak", "Schach"

ca. 1900

Netherlands or Germany, by Uhlig? "Staunton"
ca. 1900
Bone K 5.6; p 3.1
« of 2 »

Germany or Czech
ca. 1900
Bone K 4.0; p 2.4
Box/board 13.6×6.7×3.0 (closed)
« of 2 »

ca. 1900
Bone K 3.3; p 1.9
Board 13.0×6.4×2.5 (closed)

ca. 1900
Bone K 4.6; p 2.2 (without pin)
Box/board 16.5×8.2×3.1
« of 3 »

Austria, "coffeehouse" compendium
ca. 1900
Wood K 6.1; p 2.9
Box 34.0×25.0×12.6
Board 23.7×13.1×3.1 (closed)
« of 10 »

Austria, Vienna, "coffeehouse"
ca. 1900
Boxwood? K 8.4; p 3.7
Box 22.1×11.1×7.6
« of 3 »

England, "Railway"
ca. 1900
Bone pieces 1.6 (2.4 with pin)
Box/board 25.3×12.5×3.9
« of 3 »

Czech, Sudetenland
ca. 1900
Wood K 10.0; p 5.0
« of 4 »

England, "St.George with slope knights"
ca. 1900
Boxwood + rosewood K 5.6; p 2.4
Original box 11.8×8.5×4.8
« of 2 »

England, "Whittington"
ca. 1900
Bone pieces 1.2 (1.7 with pin)
Box/board 18.5×9.2×5.2 (closed)
« of 3 »

Germany, "Staunton"
ca. 1900
Ivory K 8.4; p 3.9
Box 15.8×11.2×6.7
« of 4 »

Germany, is it Uhlig?, "Staunton"
ca. 1900
Ivory K 7.6; p 4.5
Cassette 37.1×33.3×5.3
« of 9 »

ca. 1900
Boxwood K 5.0; p 2.6
Box/board 17.9×8.9×3.4 (closed)
« of 6 »

England, by F.H.Ayres
"Dublin/St.George influenced"
ca. 1900
Tagua nut (vegatable ivory) K 8.6; p 4.3
« of 7 »